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Saturday, September 14, 2013

I want to remember this forever

Des is at that age right now where everything that comes out of her mouth is rude and borderline mean. All I get from her lately is "Moooooooom" or "duh" all attitude all the time. It's driving me crazy. Boarding school in Tibet with the monks s looking better and better every day. After an insanely frustrating argument with her a few days ago she stomped off to her room declaring I'm the meanest mom EVER and she wished she was never born. About a half hour later she brought out a notebook and told me she wrote me something. I was a little scared to open it. I figured it would be a detailed and itemized list of my horrible mom skills. Turns out I was off...way off.

Cover Page. She still loves me!!

First Page: I love you so much. This is how much. Love you
Second Page: You are the best. I love you because you are there for me when I need you. You are my favorite (I hope so considering I'm her only mom)
Third Page: Love, Once upon a time, Very nice, Every(one?) loves you
Fourth Page: You are very sweet and all ways loving and caring. *The world man says: You are super nice* (I love her world man drawing)
Fifth Page: Turn this page to the last page which is the best.
Sixth Page: I turned the page and found this little guy saying Love but there was another page
Seventh Page: The End! Flip Page
Eighth Page: Trustful, Everybody loves, Really nice. I love you
That was the best thing I've gotten from Des in a long time. It made me tear up a little. She is a little behind in the handwriting department but getting this from her was awesome.

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